Stop for a moment and look around you. What do you notice? Are you satisfied with what you see? What do you wish to be different? What are you not taking ownership for?
I did this exact reflection a year ago.
What I saw was world of incredibly talented and unique women who have hid away from their amazing powers! I also saw a society that is still struggling to accept those who are unique!
This was NOT the world I wanted my girls to grow up in!
So how do I, as one person, make a difference? How could I impact change?
I needed to first tap into my own personal talents and power. So I chose to invest in myself, enroll in a 10 month long leadership journey and choose to "Lead Forward".

Lead Forward - choosing to lead, having courage to experiment and fail and then quickly picking yourself up, better and stronger than before.
This journey meant me leaving my family four separate times for about a week each time, plus weekly activities and monthly calls, plus creating an event to support my passions.
What sane 40-something has the time, resources and home support to make this a reality? At the time I didn’t know if I did.
What I did have was this desire inside to change the world for the better and the ability to ASK FOR HELP!
I asked for help and was met with a roaring wave of support. On April 2, 2019 I met a pile of others from around the globe, who also had a drive the change the world! We each brought unique talents and experience, and most importantly, courage to become more powerful than they ever thought possible! Lead Forward.
Flash forward 10 months and I have just graduated the program with 182 hours of development! Every member of my team (the Starlings Tribe) have made great progress on changing the world.
Unexpected learning from this amazing program:
Often the quietest person is the best leader. She can sense the energy in the space and change it, to lead others to action.
1 + 1 = 7. Co-Active (partnered) leadership is so much more than just 2 people leading, it has exponential strength.
Your body is your most powerful tool. We have been trained to live in our head and ignore our ‘gut’, when that is where true power lies.
Staying sets you apart as a leader. Feeling every fiber of your being yelling at you to run from this uncomfortable place and choosing to STAY makes you a leader to be trusted and loved.
Intimacy, Sex and Power are three distinct feelings, not to be confused or blended. Intimacy is the most powerful and by sharing your vulnerability you create a space where ‘IN TO ME SEE’.
Curiosity trumps Judgement. Have curiosity! Meet people where they are, bring them into your tribe and discover what they can teach you
Lead Forward
As I entered the program I said ‘watch out world, I’m coming out of this sh&ting rainbows and unicorns’ and it could not be further from the truth.
I have come out of this first 10 months of my leadership journey as a kick-ass, powerful, life changing, compassionate, adaptable and courageous women who is...
Changing the world by making the impossible seem achievable through authenticity and joy.
Who wants to join me Leading Forward?
Thanks to:
My Fellow Starlings
Co-Active Training Institute -
Raul, Caroline, Flinn, Andy & Dava